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Sitting in front of your computer a lot? Working from home and not moving enough? Feeling tight and tense?

Get ready to change how you feel

Tension Free is a programme designed to help you melt tension in your body and bring back the experience of freedom and openness.

Tension Free will address all the areas in the body where you tend to get tense, like your back, shoulders, hips, thighs, calves and feet. 

You’ll get a deeper understanding of connective tissue, which is called fascia. 

You’ll learn simple and effective techniques you can use at home, at work or when you travel to release and relax muscular and connective tissue tension. 

Become your own massage therapist!

If you

...then keep on reading. This programme might be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Hi! I'm Elena

I’m your teacher, and welcome to Tension Free!

My passion is helping you attain a balanced body: healthy, movable, open and tension-free.

I’ve been teaching yoga full time for over 15 years now, and learned that myofascial release techniques complement yoga practice perfectly.

I’ve been working closely with physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors to develop a method that combines yoga, myofascial release technique, therapeutic exercises and targeted stretches.

I love seeing how effective it is when I teach it to my students. So far I’ve observed the effects in over a hundred retreats and thousands of classes.

The knowledge I’m about to share with you in this training is the best of what I’ve learned and tested over the last decade and a half. It’s both very effective and accessible for anyone interested in tuning up the body to feel and move more freely.

Elena's work has been featured in

Elena first introduced me to myofascial release during one of her incredible Swiss retreats in 2017. I immediately purchased a ball set and have used them almost daily ever since. As someone who spends most of her working hours seated at a desk, I often experience lower back and shoulder pain.

I cannot emphasise enough the benefit of incorporating myofascial release into my practice. So much so, that I recently purchased several additional sets to gift to friends and family. 

- Julia E.

This could be you

“After a day in front of my computer I know what to do to open my shoulders and balance my neck again”

“I understand my body and how to take care of it to prevent tightness, tension and painful trigger points”

“I feel more open, mobile and at ease in my body – no longer limited in my movement in any way!”

“Now I know how to release my sciatic discomfort and release tight hips and psoas”

“It feels good to be empowered to be my own best massage therapist, and offer my body exactly the practices it needs at the level of intensity that’s right for me on a given day”

What's Inside

Theory classes that will

Practice sessions that will

I always have my myofascial release balls at hand.

I use them when I feel I’m about to get a headache, when I need to release tension in the body from the day, and even when my busy mind challenges me and I have too many thoughts.

Even 5-10 minutes of myofascial release practice can be very helpful, as the pressure from the balls has an immediate effect. It is as if there is more space between the cells, more space to be in one’s own body. I relax better and afterwards it feels like I just had a massage. Myofascial release practice can even help with stiff neck and lower back issues. It’s pure self-care to spend just 5 minutes a day, it works right away! Lastly, I use myofascial release practices  the day after training at the gym to help metabolize lactic acid from sore muscles. 

- Susanne Gerlufsen, Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher, Denmark

More reasons this programme is for you


A 10-minute bonus yoga class (video)

A guided practice with a roller (video)

Progressive full body relaxation and body scan (audio) – early bird bonus 

Yoga nidra meditation to ease psychological tension (audio)

Let Elena answer all your questions

Your Investment

Option 1
(most flexible)

3 x monthly payments of 


Option 2
(best value)

1 payment of


Props You’ll Need

To get the most out of this training, you’ll need the following props

Yoga mat


2 yoga blocks

1 roller of your choice

Thank you very much for the course! 
I am always very tight in my shoulders and back also in my arms and legs… everywhere actually hehe.. so i know how good it is for me to practice fascial release! And even after short sessions I feel how the tight spots get more spacious. 
I ordered your fascia balls in your online shop and I think they are super nice! Very much in love!:) 


- Kyra E.

Satisfaction guarantee

Tension-Free comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. My hope is that this training will help you understand your body better and get to know every tight spot and trigger point as well as equip you with effective tools to release tightness and tension in your body. I also expect you to put effort into mastering the skills I’m here to teach you. This is why in order to receive your 100% refund, you will be asked to submit the completed coursework for the first 7 days of the programme.

If you do all the coursework and practices, and still feel that I have not delivered on my promise, please submit your fully completed coursework within 7 days of purchase and I will promptly refund your payment. If the completed coursework is not received within the 7-day period, no refunds will be issued.

Please note that the satisfaction guarantee is applicable to the content of this training. This means that if you no longer have internet access or your work schedule changes and you decide to cancel your participation for reasons other than not being satisfied with the content of the training, no refunds will be issued.


With this satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Why wait when you can feel better now?


Unless you decide to do multiple classes every day (not a bad idea by the way), your average time per day is 10-20 minutes, and you’ll need 2-3 weeks to complete the whole programme

The content is available online, and it is not downloadable. The great thing is that you keep access to the course materials even after the course is finished, and get to enjoy it for 3 months.

Based on the techniques you’ll learn, you’ll be able to enjoy your amazing tension-free body for life.

Absolutely! The materials will be opening up gradually so you don’t get overwhelmed, and you can just take your time to explore the classes at your one tempo so it fits in your schedule and feels relaxing and fun

No, as this is not a teacher training. Let me know if you fall in love with this programme so much that you want to integrate myofascial release into your teaching repertoire and I’ll see what I can do.

Yes! The classes are all really short and bite-size, yet packed with effective tools that give you results fast. So yes, if you’re a busy person (or if you’re living under pressure and need to de-stress and un-tighten your body), it is a great fit for you

Pretty much most humans. Those working at their desks, those working with their bodies (from carpenters to yoga teachers), people who do a lot of repetitive movements throughout the day (dentists, violinists), athletes, frequent flyers, and anyone with a tight or tense areas in the body.

This programme is right for you if you are:

  • ready to dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to your body and mind
  • committed to take action and create amazing new habits (that your body will thank you for)
  • enjoy living in a healthy, balanced body
  • want to speed up trauma recovery and avoid future injuries
  • would love to have a great posture
  • don’t want to depend on having a massage therapist around 
Elena taught me to be my own therapist.
During my first yoga retreat with Elena a few years ago, I got in touch with the myofascial release balls, and I was fascinated right from the beginning. I learned how to massage my body very carefully, and with the intensity and focus my body needs. The balls not only support me to release tension but also help me to get my pain in the lower back under control.
I’m still using the balls regularly to keep my body healthy and balanced. Good for my body and my soul!

- Andrea Schön, Organizational Consultant and Coach

Your Investment

Option 1
(most flexible)

3 monthly payments of


Option 2
(best value)

1 payment of


Your Investment

Option 1
(most flexible)

3 x monthly payments of 


Option 2
(best value)

1 payment of
